Documentation for DUMB v0.9.3readme.txt - General information on DUMB
licence.txt - Conditions for the use of this software
release.txt - Release notes and changes for this and past releases
docs/howto.txt - Step-by-step instructions on adding DUMB to your project
docs/faq.txt - Frequently asked questions and answers to them
docs/dumb.txt - DUMB library reference
docs/deprec.txt - Information about deprecated parts of the API
docs/ptr.txt - Quick introduction to pointers for those who need it
docs/fnptr.txt - Explanation of function pointers for those who need it
docs/modplug.txt - Some comments on ModPlug Tracker and compatibility
Documentation for DUMBOGG v0.5readme.txt - General information on DUMBOGG
COPYING - Conditions for the use of this software
release.txt - Release notes and changes for this and past releases
howto.txt - Step-by-step instructions on using DUMBOGG
djgpp.txt - Special instructions for DJGPP
Showing djgpp.txt for DUMBOGG v0.5:How to compile libogg and libvorbis under DJGPP:
Note: these instructions are for compiling libogg v1.0 and libvorbis v1.0.
They may or may not work properly for other versions.
In your libogg distribution, open up the file /include/ogg/os_types.h, and
near the end, right after the OS/2 GCC #elif, add the following:
#elif defined (DJGPP)
/* DJGPP */
typedef short ogg_int16_t;
typedef int ogg_int32_t;
typedef unsigned int ogg_uint32_t;
typedef long long ogg_int64_t;
Now save the file, and you can compile the lib with the batch file as
instructed in howto.txt.
libvorbis, libvorbisenc, libvorbisfile:
Open up the file /lib/os.h, and near the end, right before the last
#endif, add the following code:
#ifdef DJGPP
# define rint(x) (floor((x)+0.5f))
Now you can compile the source properly under DJGPP.